SSS Metodika Ltd. is operating all they services only with well-trained employees. Our technicians trained by suppliers of security systems pay special attention at following standards of STN 33 4590 (Slovak technical norm). That is why our firm achieves hight level of security standard.

Motto :If nothing goes wrong we have just little time and little money. But if something goes wrong times stops and we need as much money as is necessary to fix all losses and damages.
Our services can prevent use of large amount of money in short period of time.

Our workstation function is to monitor situation on 24 hour continuous bases. Our operators are evaluating and solving receipt messages. Different equipment for data transmission is used for processing single types of transmissions from stationary and mobile objects (monitoring in whole are of SR and Europe).

Features and valuation of single transmissions :

Transmission through phone line:

Radio transmision with assigned frequency :

Transmission through GSM :